Saturday, April 29, 2006, What's Going On With "American Idol"?

From Portland IMC:

"The US media refuses to acknowledge that Iran plans on opening it's Oil exchange up in EUROS beginning next week. The sanctions being placed on Iran through the UN will outlaw countries from using this market, thus keeping the US' stranglehold on the oil markets who have traded solely in the US dollar up until now. US would lose $1 Trillion a year if this market is opened."

"Krassimir Petrov joins Joe Broadhurst from CKUT to discuss how $1 Trillion will be shifted away from the US dollar as a direct result of Iran opening its oil market in Euros. The US cannot sustain economic viability with such an occurance. This is the real reason the US, using Israel, will bomb Iran. The mainstream media won't touch it."

WoW! I'm really disappointed.... Don't those Persians know that black goo under their feet is rightfully ours?! ...and we've been so kind and neighborly to Iran too!!!!!!!!!!!! What could they possibly have against us that would drive such divisive ill-will to that extreme?

I just don't know...
At least everyone else likes us. They know the American people are not stupid.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!