Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tools of the new U.S. Army Field Manual.

"These men will be held in a high-security facility at Guantanamo. The International Committee of the Red Cross is being advised of their detention, and will have the opportunity to meet with them. Those charged with crimes will be given access to attorneys who will help them prepare their defense -- and they will be presumed innocent. While at Guantanamo, they will have access to the same food, clothing, medical care, and opportunities for worship as other detainees. They will be questioned subject to the new U.S. Army Field Manual, which the Department of Defense is issuing today. And they will continue to be treated with the humanity that they denied others."
-king georgie, September 5th, 2006
Err, What was wrong with the old one?
So what was wrong with the original field manual?

Friday, September 15, 2006

The president goes to Capitol Hill to lobby for torture.

A Defining Moment for America
From "The Washington Post":

Friday, September 15, 2006; Page A18

PRESIDENT BUSH rarely visits Congress. So it was a measure of his painfully skewed priorities that Mr. Bush made the unaccustomed trip yesterday to seek legislative permission for the CIA to make people disappear into secret prisons and have information extracted from them by means he dare not describe publicly.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Disney Corp.'s ABC Spews.

"An ABC statement on Thursday charged that critics of the 9/11 film were "irresponsible" in attacking the movie when it was not finalized and was still being edited. However, the network had felt it was final enough to send to magazine reviewers, and reviews have already appeared."
They sent it to RIGHT-WING BIASED media.

"The Times also pointed out Thursday that the climax of the key scene where Berger abruptly hangs up on a request to snatch bin Laden was improvised on the set: "In an interview yesterday with KRLA-AM in Los Angeles, Cyrus Nowrasteh, the mini-series’ screenwriter and one of its producers, said that moment had been improvised."

Now here's the kicker:
“'Sandy Berger did not slam down the phone,' Mr. Nowrasteh said. 'That is not in the [9/11] report. That was not scripted. But you know when you’re making a movie, a lot of things happen on set that are unscripted.
... Actors saying "I need to take a shit, can we take a break?" That kind of unscripted "things"?

Accidents occur, spontaneous reactions of actors performing a role take place.
Like "I need to take a shit, can we take a break?" and then has a bowel movement on the set?

It’s the job of the filmmaker to say, ‘You know, maybe we can use that.’"
Yeah? ...but do we have to SEE it?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


You can only laugh. The Mouse is a Republican and doesn't like liberals. When the Mouse financed Moore's “Fahrenheit 911” through Disney's affiliate Marimax, they almost seemed to be on the take with a clever scheme to keep it from being shown by canning it. Moore and his producers had to buy the film back.

If your family is Liberal, the Mouse isn't interested in you. He doesn't give a damn what you have to say. It's pretty sad... ...but understandable. The Mouse is only interested in the almighty dollar and their over-ripe copyrights. Disney doesn't even care about its own family anymore.

The miniseries titled “The Path to 9/11” is pure propaganda. It places blame for the 9/11 attacks soley on Bill Clinton and his NS adviser. It places additional blame on his Secretary of State. Moore's film used factual, admittedly edited but still REAL footage of the subjects themselves to make his case. The Disney “docudrama” uses live... ...actors. It is a series ABC's own terror adviser Richard Clarke called “fiction”. We Americans and our families, our children will be preached at by the likes of Karl Rove in ghost form on the miniseries' debut. I can almost “see” the conversation between Rove and Disney. I'm sure the NSA have them on tape.

I for one am pretty pissed. America's children aren't just Republicans. ...But that's exactly what the corporate Mouse has in store for America's kids. All the debate and over-the-top accusations against the majority of Americans who are questioning the war in Iraq are now being tide to Nazism and their appeasers by both the president and the Secretary of Defense.


Is that what we are? Did you hear the Disney Corporation's plan to revise your children's opinion and memory of the events before 9-11 through school materials? Who's calling whom fascists? Who's side is the Mouse on..? Forget Alice and the Rabbit hole. This is Orwell and the Memory hole. With Bastards like these who needs Joseph Goebbels?

Whether Mickey is Republican or not is debatable. Disney Corp. definitely is. They're an extreme Right-wing organization and I for one may NEVER watch another Disney picture again. That will take some doing 'cause I love Pixar. I'm really, really Sad. However, I will NEVER watch ABC again. I'm not trying to censor ABC. I WANT them to show it. Really. We will rip it apart. ...and for what it's worth It will also make my decision for me on whether to watch Russert or the other guy on that ABC Sunday morning talk show. I guess “Meet the Press” has my eyes for now.

One last word on censorship:
Many hypocrites are accusing people protesting the miniseries of censorship yet on their very own blog they have this:
“Comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the author has approved them.”

Figures, don't it?
Rightards suck ass.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Bravado and Blowharded Chime In. -From behind their keyboards.

Take a peak at a few typical "brave" idiots from "Hot Air" (get a load of their disclaimer! LOL!) or just check out the sample below. He's almost ready to defend Christianity all by himself. I have a suggestion: Remove your sweat pants, undershirt and flip-flops and take a shower. Put some cloths on and dance on over to Iraq and find some of that unreported "good news" you Rightards blab about on your blogs and if "worse comes to worse" you keyboard warriors can show us all how to die with dignity and without converting to Islam? Wouldn't that be fun?

Oh forget it.
"They have a problem now.

Those who are thinking that the two can simply go back to the way things were before do not understand Islam.
Oh yeah... They know a lot less then you, Einstein.

A renounce will be considered a chance to issue the Fatwah on them dontcha know.
Oh goody. ...and I geuss they won't take "under gun point" into account? I had a gun to my head at my confirmation...

But then again, as a confirmed Christian, I would likely have to end up beheaded in the same situation. Christ said, “Do not deny me.”
'CuZ he'll put a "Fatwah" on you too, eh?

Does anybody remember that Italian who told the islamofascists, “Let me show you how an Italian dies!”
*Was that a question, idiot?

"The members of our modern Culture of Death are extremely afraid of death when it comes to their own hides.
"The members of our modern Culture of Death..." Who's that, ...you?

A deal with the devil is a deal with the devil.
...the devil?

It appears that the secularists and humanists can only talk the talk, don’t expect them to walk the walk."
...and what exactly are you doing right now again?

KRIST. Rightards make me sick.