Saturday, January 13, 2007

Let's Hear it For Spocko.

Late last year a blogger named "Spocko" went after Right-wing hate (redundant, i know) radio KSFO. After all, KSFO has a hate line-up that would make Mickey M. proud. Aside of KABC/WABC thugs like Sean Hannity and others, KSFO's Melanie Morgan and her merry band of bigots has rallied their fellow nut cases to the cause of torture, targeting Speaker Palosi and just plain murdering Liberals. (How? ...gas?...ovens?) Check it out and listen to what has been inspired. I even have a video response to the corporate fascists that shut down Spocko's hosted site on You Tube.

Help out Spocko. He's about to fight a dragon.

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