Thursday, November 16, 2006

McCain. Warner. Graham.

They sold us out. A bait and switch. They are nothing less then traitors. All three of them. All three of them sold out our Bill of Rights for partisanship gain.

...and it isn't just these three clowns. Sen. Roberts of Kansas is a loser as well.
Thank heaven and Earth these nasty un-American sell-outs are soon no longer in power.
In case you have forgotten what the Roberts-jerk said in not so many words: "You can't have your (civil) liberties when your dead." Oh, really Mr. Roberts? Did you tell those "suckers" buried at Arlington that, Senator? Did you tell their families that their son or daughter is a sucker for swearing to defend the constitution from all enemies foriegn and domestic? Did you tell them you are willing to piss 'em away because you're scared? Is that all it takes, traitors?

Yo! McCain! Remember your BULLSHIT line about how you were able to withstand torture as a POW in Vietnam? You said to yourself "We are better. We do - NOT- DO- THIS!!!" Are your demons back, you filthy LIAR?

We have had a seachange this month. We no longer have these traitors writing law. They sicken me. They betrayed US.

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