Friday, May 19, 2006

...And Away They Go.

The race is on. Records are being broken... Barry Bonds is on Babe Ruth's Record, etc. King Georgie iv is not just a decider but a "competitorer" as well.

Go King Georgie, go.

So Long as they FEAR Us, Right?

Pushing back at U.S.

From the Baltimore Sun:
"Surveys show that worldwide dislike for America has grown in recent years. And now, it's not just our government they can't stand -- it's us.
"More than a million legal and illegal immigrants enter the United States every year, but when presented with a choice, people around the world say they no longer see America as the prime land of opportunity. Asked where a young person should go to lead a good life, no more than 10 percent of respondents to a 2005 Pew survey in 13 of 16 countries recommended the United States. Australia, Canada, Great Britain and even Germany were all preferred destinations."

You mean King Georgie's policies were meant to "help" the rest of the world "like" us? Oh MY! I BLEW IT! I thought King Georgie iv was trying to be the Mac -as in "Machiavellian". I thought he wanted everyone HATING us! So long as they FEAR us, right? I mean, that's what its all about! Sounds like it's headed in the right direction!!



Stupid fucking Rightards.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Modern Myth

This is another shining example of what the mentaly challenged Right call the "Liberal Media."

From Media Matters:

"Colbert's performance was preceded by a routine in which Bush and presidential impersonator Steve Bridges stood side-by-side behind identical podiums and made light of Bush's rhetorical style, as well as mispronunciations and grammatical mistakes.

But in their subsequent coverage of the event, numerous news outlets focused only on Bush's light-hearted comedy, while omitting mention of Colbert's blistering performance. On the April 30 edition of ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos played an excerpt of Bush's act and remarked that the dinner "gets more inventive every year." That same morning, on NBC's Sunday Today, co-host Lester Holt introduced clips of the Bush-Bridges routine by noting that the "relationship between the White House press corps and the president can be a contentious one, but last night it was all laughs." The footage of Bush's performance also aired on the April 30 broadcast of NBC's Nightly News.

On May 1, all three major networks played clips of Bush's routine on their morning shows, but ignored Colbert entirely. CNN's American Morning did the same."

The favorable Response to "The King and his look-alike Jester Show" received a glorious response from the media yet the biting monologue from Stephen Colbert was almost forgotten completely. So how does this show a Rightwing bias? Well it doesn't at this point. Lets take a look at a few samples of BIASED opinion and what it found most NOTABLE.

From the LEFT:
This is from comments in the "Crooks and Liars" blog. It is Left leaning.

*"That was the best thing I've seen in ages. I guess Laura appreciates his parody, because she looked pissed!
Colbert was great! And that is an understatement. What guts! The crowd was stunned but seemed to enjoy but too self conscious to really revel in the Colbert greatness. There were so many great moments. too many to retell. You have got to see this. WOW!

*"The mainstream "press" can ignore Colbert's patriotism all they want. His performance was juggernaut and will be remembered decades from now.

*This was on par, perhaps higher, than Chaplin's "The Great Dictator".

*"Colberts snarky "lets mock right wing talk show hosts" persona gets real old real fast.
Bush and Cheney are evil, ha ha. Time for a new gimmick, hair guy."

*""bombed" doesn't even begin to describe how bad this guy was. The President and his 'double' were hilarious by comparison. Catch the reun on cspan if you can."

*"Lets face it, as funny as Stewart could be, he still always came across as a typical Bush hating lib, trying to pass himself off as an "independent" thinker.

WHen it came down to it, his "zany" writers were still parroting NY Times Bush bashing propaganda.

Yeah, guys, Bush caused the devastation of Katrina.
Yeah guys, Sadaam was a good guy who was "in his box" and nothing to worry about.
Yeah guys, McHalliburton is out to take over the world.
Just the same lefty talking points with sarcasm. Like that smug assed little turd Bill Mahr."

"Midwestprof" 4/30/2006 09:37AM PDT

*I watched the clip over at Hot Air.
("Hot Air" is a Video Blog similar to "Crooks and Liars" -g.)

"I watched the link Charles gave. The double Bush, double podium was a brilliant idea. I wonder who came up with it.

Bush drew huge laughs....the Colbert guy only drew courtesy laughs. I didn't like him or think he was funny. Hope liberal Comedy Channel goes the way of Air America; I have no need of them. Sorry."

*"Colbert earned some impressive moments of silence after delivering his "jokes."

I mean, who wouldn't think it's hysterical to describe the US President standing on the rubble of the World Trade Center days after 9-11 and speaking to those searching for bodies as a "powerfully staged photo op"?"

*"I watched it all last night. President Bush and Steve Bridges kept me laughing. Colbert's roast had no punch lines, and the film clip with Helen was dull and uninspired."

Now you compare the above with the MSM reporting of Colbert's biting moment. You tell me what side of the fence the MSM is on. You might say "He's just a comedian blasting Bush. So what, right? Not newsworthy. ". Fine. Take a look at what Imus did in '96 with Clinton's percieved problems and the "Liberal Media"'s response.

"I wont report the news to you, I'll *FEEL* the news AT you."
-Stephen Colbert on "The Colbert Report".

Colbert has these guys down pat.
Thank you, Stephen Colbert.
