Friday, November 17, 2006

Right - Wingnut Charity. Please give to the Rightarded.

AskMom :

We only need 9,999 more pledges to get 1M yearly for Bolton. I volunteer to coordinate the campaign. It would be an honor given that I admire Bolton as much as I detest Pelosi, and that is a very great deal indeed.

Nov 10, 2006 01:18 AM
kiwikit :

Just tell me where to send a few bucks. . . at my email address. I assume that 'comity' to the Democrats means only the GOP giving in to them, they NEVER support the GOP!

Nov 10, 2006 10:04 AM
Michael :

Let's have him setup a PO Box. Everyone can send checks directly to the PO Box.

I think for tax purposes, these payments would be gifts, and JB wouldn't have to pay any tax on the money. A 37% raise!

Nov 13, 2006 06:15 PM
My 2 Cents :

I'll go one step further. It is widely feared that the Democratic-controlled congress will attempt to block funding for even day-to-day operations of our military in Iraq, or in other vital fronts of our fight against Islamofascism. If there is any way to do it, I would be willing to send money to a fund that is set up to pay for both our soldiers and the supplies they need to keep fighting the enemies of America. Yes, I'd prefer that my tax money do that (since it is THE most fundamental job of the Government!) but if not, then an Army funded by donations is better than no Army at all!

Nov 13, 2006 06:33 PM
lurker :

I will contribute. I would love to see that Bolton is not subjected to the Congressional hearings.

This will tell Chafee and the democrats something.

Please let us know the details.

Nov 13, 2006 07:04 PM
lurker :

I will contribute. I would also love to see that Bolton does not have to endure those Congressional hearings.

Please let us know.

Please give to the Rightarded.

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