Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Bravado and Blowharded Chime In. -From behind their keyboards.

Take a peak at a few typical "brave" idiots from "Hot Air" (get a load of their disclaimer! LOL!) or just check out the sample below. He's almost ready to defend Christianity all by himself. I have a suggestion: Remove your sweat pants, undershirt and flip-flops and take a shower. Put some cloths on and dance on over to Iraq and find some of that unreported "good news" you Rightards blab about on your blogs and if "worse comes to worse" you keyboard warriors can show us all how to die with dignity and without converting to Islam? Wouldn't that be fun?

Oh forget it.
"They have a problem now.

Those who are thinking that the two can simply go back to the way things were before do not understand Islam.
Oh yeah... They know a lot less then you, Einstein.

A renounce will be considered a chance to issue the Fatwah on them dontcha know.
Oh goody. ...and I geuss they won't take "under gun point" into account? I had a gun to my head at my confirmation...

But then again, as a confirmed Christian, I would likely have to end up beheaded in the same situation. Christ said, “Do not deny me.”
'CuZ he'll put a "Fatwah" on you too, eh?

Does anybody remember that Italian who told the islamofascists, “Let me show you how an Italian dies!”
*Was that a question, idiot?

"The members of our modern Culture of Death are extremely afraid of death when it comes to their own hides.
"The members of our modern Culture of Death..." Who's that,

A deal with the devil is a deal with the devil.
...the devil?

It appears that the secularists and humanists can only talk the talk, don’t expect them to walk the walk."
...and what exactly are you doing right now again?

KRIST. Rightards make me sick.

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