Friday, February 24, 2006

“It Didn’t Work”

“It Didn’t Work”

-William F. Buckley on National Review Online (NRO) February 24, 2006 on the latest excuse as a reason for the Iraq war.

It takes the Right a long time to get it... ...right. There may be no one human other then Buckley Jr. on the face of this Earth that is a conservative and who can be reasoned with or who could earn conceding to. Buckley Jr. is a hero to both old- and Neo-conservative alike. Yesterday he wrote of our King:

“He [George W. Bush] will certainly face the current development as military leaders are expected to do: They are called upon to acknowledge a tactical setback, but to insist on the survival of strategic policies.

Yes, but within their own counsels, different plans have to be made. And the kernel here is the acknowledgment of defeat.”

He finally gets it. -Sort of. More important he has spoken out and called to the fact that the emperor has no clothes and he needs to go back to the closet. He has finally lamented what others have said years ago. He is now among those called “traitors”, “cowards” and the many who would “cut and run”.

Welcome aboard Mr. Buckley Jr., You are among respectable company.

"The United States is going to leave Iraq with its tail between its legs, defeated. It is a war we can not win,"

-Scott Ritter 26/03/2003 on private radio TSF in an interview broadcast.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Allah Ass Kissers

Can you believe this?

...and I'm not concentrating on just Muslims. This is the very flower of behavior from the religious wack-job. Why do "true believers" kill? Burn churches? Torture? Crucify? Hold inquisitions? Build a bigger cathedral, mosque or temple? Smack the top of your hand with a ruler? Shake his or her finger at you? Chop your head off? Cut your tongue out? Grab you by the ear? It is the ultimate ass kiss for the ultimate boss. Why would I say this? How can I not believe the sincere devotion of the "true believers" and the "devoted"? Simple. Why does an omnipotent, all knowing, all powerful God need defending? How could a God be offended? Why would a God have an inferiority complex? Why would God need to have his or her self-confidence propped back from where it was presumed toppled? Does Allah need counseling after a silly political cartoon? Does Jesus have his feelings hurt when his nativity scene isn't displayed out front of the state's legislature building? Is God's feelings hurt when his ten commandments are not included in the lobby of a courthouse?

I was wondering how many Liters of blood or how many kilograms of flesh would make the lord feel a little better and lift his chin up?

Just asking. I'm an equal opertunity offender. I'll even pay for your God's shrink. Have him call or e-mail me. ...but please, stop the killing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dead-Eye Dick

I haven't made many entries of late but from the looks of the number of replies I think it's only the NSA and me doing the reading.

I've decided to weigh-in on V.P. DICK's shooting his friend with a shotgun. Pretty funny, eh? Ya couldn't make this stuff up and get away with it. Doug Thompson from has a great scoop, giving us an inside look at the Secret Service report of the incident and it looks like the cyborg was on the sauce. Not only that, a ballistic test has given “smoking shotgun” evidence that Mr. Whittington was less then 30 feet away, much less then 30 yards, from dead-eye DICK's WQD. (weapon of quayle destruction.) So there are the pieces so far as they stand regarding Dead-eye-Dick's blowing his friend away. ...the Kenedy, Texas local press not withstanding.

...and Just when you think it couldn't get any wackier,
there's always Mr. Whittington's apology.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fascism at the SOTU

"Are there any queers in the theater tonight? Get 'em up against the wall." -Roger Waters in "The Wall"

Whether you hate Cindy Sheehan with sinscere passion and think she's part of a great pinko conspiracy or you think she's the greatest thing since cel phones; We should all note this little act of betrayal to our constitution by our government.


"Did you know that in 1971, the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional to arrest a man who wore a "F--- the Draft" T-shirt into the courthouse? (Cohen v. California) So now Alito's on the court for 45 minutes and your civil liberties are already going down the toilet. You were warned."

Somebody at Daily Kos suggested that every American who's appalled by what happened tonight should -- on the same day -- wear a T-shirt that reads "2,245 Dead -- How Many More?? to work, school, church, court (by day's end, perhaps) or wherever we need to be. It's our right, after all."


"State of the — State of the Union — or state — speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation" is over. I have a hangover.

I didn't even partake in any of the drinking-game recipes dallied about in yesterday's editorial pages. All I had was a glass of freshly-squeezed lemonade. I passed out kinda late last night, posting Chris Matthew's multiple lies on Cindy Sheehan's son Casey, claiming Casey had died in Afghanistan rather then Iraq...and today the room is now spinning. King Georgie IVs speech yesterday gave us an idea on how he's going to deal with his looming massive deficit. The aftermath of Katrina in the state of Louisiana. The immigration problem. The occupation in Iraq. The prescription drug program.

He's going to ignore them.

Did anyone note Justice Alito (Oh, my head...) jumping for joy when The evil “W” monkey whom resides in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave mentioned his “Terror Surveillance Program” was perfectly legal and necessary for the war on Terra? Neither did I but you could almost see it on Justice Scalito's face, (Oh, my aching head.) that twinkle in his eye...